Why is #Belief a problem in the study of religion?

Alexandrine Perin
2 min readSep 24, 2020


The “focus or emphasis on #belief” when it comes to the study of religion is problematic because people coming from different backgrounds will most likely have varying beliefs. Each person’s experiences definitely have a lot to do with their judgement on certain topics which is what would cause this to be problematic. Moreover, when it comes to studying religion, some people might try to change someone else’s opinion on a topic instead of accepting their viewpoint. This issue is common whenever it deals with a topic and when there are multiple people with contrastive opinions. Some people can have conflicting viewpoints on practices since everyone thinks differently especially since there are so many ways to look at one thing. Those from varying religions will have differences in morals, worldviews, and behaviors just to name a few.

The focus on belief when it comes to studying religion could be distorted by having contrasting opinions on how a religion should be practiced. With the varying morals people can have, that could affect their worldviews. Having contrasting morals and worldviews can also lead to how people behave. The study of religion, culture or what people do can change because of all of those dissimilarities. One person could explain one way to practice a religion and another person could explain it differently, so it could be difficult to stick to one point when there are so many viewpoints.With cultures, people will have differences in arts, customs, and social groups. An example for this could be how two people from the same culture could have different beliefs on how they should dress when going to church.

One person believes you can wear what you want while the other person thinks you should always wear a dress or something a little more proper than just a t-shirt and jeans. Someone’s belief on a particular topic could convince someone else to think the same way as them which could skew what that person does because of someone else’s idea on a certain topic. This is one way I believe could distort what someone does such as a practice they do just because of others’ opinion on it. Something that surprised me the most about today’s lesson was the 3B Framework because I think it is interesting how it is split into belief, behavior, and belonging. I think it is a great way to study religion or a particular religion since you would have a more in-depth information and it really discusses what that religion is all about.



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