What is #Race and how does it relate to the study of religion?
Before this lesson, I never thought much about race other than the biology part of it. Now I think that race is definitely part of studying religion. Since I know a little more about it now, it reminded me that it helps people when it comes to power. Today’s lesson reminded me that there is still inequality today, sometimes you still see or hear one race being treated better than another. In Nye’s, it talked about how race was made to maintain colonialism while Kendi shared the viewpoint of an educated African American. Both did great talking about this topic, but I think Kendi’s did a better job in terms of being more relatable to the reader.
Seeing how Kendi organized his story, other races can relate to it as well. Seeing the judgment and difference in how well someone is treated is how power is used. What fascinated me most was how much power and race can be mixed in when reading and learning about religion. This stood out to me because when I think of religion or when I thought of religion before, I never thought of it as such a broad topic to learn or talk about. Yet, after listening, reading and watching the videos from today’s lesson, I found it interesting how much information there is to how much power and race is in the topic of religion. It is important to think about race when studying religion because they are both connected to one another.