What is #Culture? (Part 1)

Alexandrine Perin
2 min readSep 18, 2020


From the reading “Cultural Studies,” it mentions examples like “Islam is a religion of peace” and that “Islam promotes terrorism” reminds me of the idea of some people thinking just because you are Catholic, that means you pray every day. I know some people do, but not everyone does so that example made me think of when some people say “Catholic people pray every day” or they say “Catholic people go to church every Sunday.” This reminds me of one of the last medium posts I did where I mentioned this before. Some people think of a religion one way when in reality not everyone in that one religion is practicing the same tradition or following all the “rules.” I would say religion helps shape this idea and people’s culture is often affected by it due to the “rules” that exist.

Another religion and popular culture I thought of while learning from this lesson were how some religions require a specific type of clothing or to dress a certain way. One religion is Mormon and how there are rules for the dress code. Although not everyone follows the rules, some people do follow them while some can feel pressure from their family. While some people do not always dress modestly, Mormon women are expected to dress that way. There are “rules” such as wearing minimal jewelry and wearing closed-toed shoes to church. Some might not like this dress code but feel the need to do so. The lesson today reminded me of how the clothes we wear are part of the culture and it can intersect with religion sometimes. Even though this is not a big problem for most people, some can hate the clothes they have to wear or dress code they have to follow. Some people could also be judged on the way they dress just simply because they are following their religion’s rule.



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