Lesson 4.4 Studying #Islamophobia and Religious #Nationalism
In this lesson, I realized how much Christianity is practiced in this country. I also learned more about “Islamophobia” and how some Americans have issues with face masks. Religious liberty was also mentioned and how they argued about Islam not being a religion. It is because of the virus, masks are required. I can see why some would see face masks as a problem since it is part of a certain religion, but if it is something that will help people’s health, there is nothing wrong with that. The same thing as someone who is part of the religion, there should not be anyone bringing them down or making them feel like they should not be wearing a mask or a face covering. It’s sad there are still violence and discrimination when it comes to religion today.
It was interesting to read the information on the articles regarding this topic. It gives you another perspective of how some people might think about it. The readings in this lesson discussed violence, injustice, and arguments on patriotism and religion. I didn’t have a lot of assumptions prior to this lesson. I definitely learned more from reading the articles. Made me realize and learn more about the topics discussed such as the statements on Islam and discussions on the attacks. What interested me the most was the details on each reading. I had an idea of what each of them was going to be about, but once I read into each one, I realized I did not know enough or much about them.