How do scholars talk about, describe, and study religious #Space(s)?

Alexandrine Perin
2 min readOct 3, 2020


Before today’s lesson, I never thought of #space as a topic of discussion to study when learning about religion. It seems like such a minuscule thing to think about, but it obviously has an effect on how someone feels about a certain space. This lesson is similar to the last one in a way where it can mean differently to each person. One person might think of their home as space they enjoy staying in, but someone else might like being outside more. Space seems to share the similarity as #text since they both can be interpreted differently depending on the person. Some examples from my own life when it comes to space would be my room, coffee shops, parks, and restaurants. It was difficult for me to choose just one.

Although I am in my room the most, especially right now, I choose to include the other places as well since they all make me happy. Being in my room is being in a space where I can be comfortable, relaxed, but it is also space where I do homework, exercise, eat, and watch TV. Other than the fact that I live in my room, I think the way it looks also affects how I feel since I love that there are neutral colors, white furniture, and it is organized. Whenever I go to coffee shops, the vibe it gives off makes me happy. Some people go there to study, but I usually go when I am with one of my friends. For parks and restaurants, I believe they make me happy since I am usually with my friends or family.

I realized these places are all great, but I think what makes me appreciate those places more specifically coffee shops, parks, and restaurants is because of the people I normally go with. I think you can have fun and still be happy when going to those places by yourself, but the people you surround yourself with make it a lot more enjoyable and memorable when you go. Relating the information I learned today to the past lessons, I realized that certain spaces will have different meaning and will mean more to some individuals. Each space can be significant even if it is just a room in your house or a small clothing store. Space also connects with culture since there are Vietnamese, Filipino, and Chinese restaurants.



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